It is my concern to understand and regard health and illness as part of the whole personality and to intervene medically where it is constructive, useful or necessary to set a course. In my opinion, in order to provide the best medical care for a patient, a well-founded academic medicine based on the current state of knowledge which is enriched by the manifold possibilities of complementary and alternative medicine is required. My special focus lies on prevention as well as personalised medicine, which means that the patient as an individual is completely in the therapeutic focus. I regard myself as a general practitioner who wants to help her patients when it comes to maintaining an overview of the numerous medical services and offers that are available nowadays.
Languages: German, English
We ask for your understanding that Dr. Plöchl currently cannot accept any NEW patients!
well-founded conventional medicine on the current state of knowledge extended by complementary medicine (acupuncture, complex homeopathy)
prevention/preventive examinations
therapy centre for iron deficiency (
information pro/contra vaccinations
Languages: German, English
Medical studies in Innsbruck, training as a general practitioner/intern at the hospital KH der Barmherzigen Schwestern/Vienna, Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung, KH zum Göttlichen Heiland, KH Eisenstadt, acupuncture diploma of the Austrian Medical Association (ÖAK), school doctor diploma of the Austrian Medical Association (ÖAK), Advanced Training diploma of the Austrian Medical Association (ÖAK), regular further training in Austria and abroad
Nursing at the Unfallkrankenhaus Salzburg, intern at various hospitals (see training), long-time substitute for a panel practice in Lower Austria, ward physician in the Alten- und Pflegeheim der Barmherzigen Brüder Kritzendorf, weekend stand-by duty as general practitioner in Lower Austria, school doctor at a Viennese gymnasium, opening of a private practice
married to Univ.Prof.Dr. Walter Plöchl, MBA, specialist for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, mother of three grown-up children